Let's give 'em somethin' to talk about...
“On This show we have the amazing StereoRiots in studio to talk about their New EP and show on February 13th, at Empire in Springfield, VA.”
“Fans of Kings of Leon and Neon Trees should pick up this EP and never turn it off. Listen to: 'Imposter'”
--Mark Bradley, Upstream Artist Development
“I photographed the band, StereoRiots, at Zeba Bar in Columbia Heights last Saturday. They have a sweet story about how they got together: Craigslist. One of the members, tired of working with people less serious than himself, posted looking for some dedicated bandmates. And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how this magic happened.”
“A band that pumps me up!”
“Now here’s some dope indie pop/rock music to get hype to!”
--Tru Lyrikks, The Mind of Tru Lyrikks
“Wahid Hashime’s unique vocal style fits right in among the intricate bass and drum work, while the ambient synths blend seamlessly to fill the gaps.”
--K Sean Long, Upstream Artist Development
“StereoRiots To Release New EP Via USB Wristbands”
Played Here
Salford City Radio 94.4 FM (Manchester, ENG)
RLC-WVPH 90.3 FM (Rutgers University, NJ)
Gashouse Radio (Philadelphia, PA)
NBT Radio (Berlin, DEU)
Community Service (Richmond, VA)